An examination of the relationship between training comprehensiveness and organizational commitment: Further exploration of training perceptions and employee attitudes

Kyle Ehrhardt, Janice S. Miller, Sarah J. Freeman, and Peter W. Hom
Human Resource Development Quarterly,Vol. 22, Issue 4, Pages 459-489

For organizations, the value of employing highly committed individuals is well documented. Accordingly, scholars have endeavored to identify factors that may influence employees’ organizational commitment. One factor that has received growing attention in this regard is individuals’ perceptions of training offered by an organization. However, despite increased scrutiny over the past decade, the precise nature of the relationship between employee training perceptions and organizational commitment remains unclear. Consequently, in this study we use social exchange theory as a foundation to examine the relationship between perceptions of training comprehensiveness and organizational commitment among individuals serving on cross-functional product development teams within numerous large manufacturing firms. Results of a multilevel regression analysis support a direct relationship between perceived training comprehensiveness and organizational commitment. Additionally, whether individuals specifically chose to participate on a product development team moderated this relationship, but not in the expected direction. We discuss implications of study findings for both research and practice.
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