Jehad Imlawi, Dawn Gregg
Informatics for Health and Social Care,Pages: 1-17.
Participation of health-care professionals in online health communities is essential for these communities to achieve their goals of improving health outcomes. However, little research has been conducted to understand what motivates health-care providers to participate in such communities. This study utilizes the expectancy/value theory to identify the factors that might affect health professionals’ intentions to continue contributing health knowledge in online health communities (OHCs). Specific motivators driving health professionals’ continuance intentions in OHCs include intrinsic motivators (helping motivator, self-efficacy, and moral obligation), and extrinsic motivators (reputation). This study also investigates how health professionals’ satisfaction in the OHC mediates the relationship between the study motivators and the continuance intentions. The study also suggests that health professional characteristics have
Category Archives: Information Systems
Benefits of IT-Enabled Flexibilities for Foreign versus Local Firms in Emerging Economies
Jiban Khuntia, Abhishek Kathuria, Terence JV Saldanha, Benn R Konsynski
Journal of Management Information Systems,Vol. 36, Issue 3, Pages: 855-892.
Emerging economies present attractive opportunities to foreign firms. However, internationalization risk faced by foreign firms can have significant implications for their performance relative to local firms. Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled capabilities help firms overcome internationalization risk and compete globally. Marketing Capability and Relational Capability also mitigate this risk through access to information related to markets and the business environment. We examine how foreign firms and local firms compare in leveraging synergies between such IT and firm capabilities. We focus on two kinds of IT-enabled capabilities: IT-enabled Flexibility in Customer Services, and IT-enabled Flexibility in Partner Services, and develop hypotheses for their complementary effects with Marketing Capability and Relational Capability respectively, to positively influence firm performance. We then draw on the firm
The Role of Service Recovery in Online Privacy Violation
Bidyut B Hazarika, James Gerlach, Lawrence Cunningham
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR),Vol. 14, Issue 4, Pages: 1-27.
In this study, the authors address the question of whether firms may successfully pursue service recovery strategies after severe online privacy violations. The study treats online privacy violations as a service failure and uses justice theory to measure repurchasing intention after consumer complaints in three different scenarios. The three scenarios differ in the sense that the accountability and the outcome of the service failure are different. The results indicate that despite the different instances of online privacy violation in each scenario, the service recovery efforts consistently created satisfaction with service recovery, significantly increased consumer trust, decreased perceived risk and increased repurchase intentions. The study finds that that both distributive and procedural justice plays an important role in online service recovery while interactional justice did not have any impact. Finally, even in cases of severe
Knowledge sharing in a health infomediary: role of self-concept, emotional empowerment, and self-esteem
Sumate Permwonguswa, Jiban Khuntia, Dobin Yim, Dawn Gregg, Abhishek Kathuria
Health Systems,Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pages: 181-194.
Health infomediary systems are emerging as important knowledge sharing platforms that help patients manage their own health outside of traditional health care delivery models. Patients participate in health infomediaries to learn from other patients’ experiences and knowledge. Knowledge sharing is an important aspect of the success of a health infomediary. Factors related to self-concept have been widely studied in the domains of psychiatry and psychology, in settings such as mental health and behavioural well-being, but remain unexplored in the digital health context. In particular, it is not known how self-concept influences knowledge sharing behaviours in health infomediaries. This study posits that self-efficacy, social identity, and self-stigma drive knowledge sharing in an infomediary through emotional empowerment and appearance-contingent self-esteem. We use the health belief model as a foundation to
The role of online freelance stock analysts in correcting overly pessimistic market sentiment
Myungsun Kim, Robert Kim, Onook Oh, H Raghav Rao
Managerial Finance,Vol. 44, Issue 8, Pages: 954-971.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of online freelance stock analysts in correcting mispricing of hard-to-value firms during sentiment-driven market periods. Design/methodology/approach The sample covers 23,758 Seeking Alpha articles obtained for the period between January 2005 and September 2011. The authors use OLS regressions to test the stock market reaction around Seeking Alpha analysts’ reports. The information in online analysts’ reports is measured by the tone of stock articles posted in (SA). Findings The analysis reveals that the degree of negative tone of their stock articles is related to three-day stock returns around the article posting dates. It further reveals that the relation between these returns and prevailing market sentiment depends on firm-specific susceptibility to the market sentiment. The three-day stock returns are higher during low market
ICT mediated rumor beliefs and resulting user actions during a community crisis
Onook Oh, Priya Gupta, Manish Agrawal, H Raghav Rao
Government Information Quarterly,Vol. 35, Issue 2, Pages: 243-258.
In the context of Internet and Communications Technology (ICT), this research investigates the acceptance of hate rumor and its consequence during a community crisis situation. Extending prior rumor research for this context, we develop and test a refined model using data collected from victims of a large scale (hate) rumor spread incident. Our data analyses present three main findings. First, during the crisis situation, platform characteristics of media synchronicity and richness of expression affected the likelihood of rumor recipients believing the false rumor to be a true message. Second, rumors received from people with closer social ties were more likely to be believed as true. Third, rumor belief during the crisis was associated with greater intensity of informational and behavioral actions. Our findings provide governments with insights to mitigate the spread of hate rumor especially under community disaster
A unified model for the adoption of electronic word of mouth on social network sites: Facebook as the exemplar
Navid Aghakhani, Jahangir Karimi, Mohammad Salehan
International Journal of Electronic Commerce,Vol. 22, Issue 2, Pages: 202-231.
Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has gained increased attention from both practitioners and academia. Its importance lies in its simplicity and yet its profound impact on customers’ attitudes toward specific brands or goods, and thus affecting customers’ loyalty and purchase behaviors. Although social network services (SNSs) have emerged as a new platform for eWOM communication, less attention has been paid in the literature to eWOM adoption on SNSs. Using the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and the affect-as-information theory, this study identifies factors that affect eWOM adoption on Facebook. We identify product-related information in a review, source credibility, peer image building, and tie strength as theoretically important variables in our study, and we examine their effect on cognitive and affective attitudes. We find that eWOM types (explicit vs. implicit) moderate the effects of cognitive and affective
Individual decision-performance using spatial decision support systems: a geospatial reasoning ability and perceived task-technology fit perspective
Michael A Erskine, Dawn G Gregg, Jahangir Karimi, Judy E Scott
Information Systems Frontiers,Pages: 1-16.
Increasingly, spatial decision support systems (SDSS) help consumers, businesses and governmental entities make decisions involving geospatial data. Understanding if, and how, user- and task-characteristics impact decision-performance will allow developers of SDSS to maximize decision-making performance. Furthermore, scholars can benefit from a more comprehensive understanding of what specific characteristics influence decision-making when using an SDSS. This paper provides a synthesis of relevant research and presents a two-factor experiment (n=200) designed to measure the impact of user- and task-characteristics on decision-performance. Using Cognitive Fit Theory (CFT) as the theoretical framework, we investigate the effect of geospatial reasoning ability (GRA), input complexity, task complexity, and user perceptions of task-technology fit (PTTF), on geospatial decision-making
Information Technology and Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Jiban Khuntia, Terence JV Saldanha, Sunil Mithas, V Sambamurthy
Production and Operations Management,Issue 10.1111/poms.12822,
Research in operations management and information systems suggests that information technology (IT) can play an important role in managing operations that support environmentally sustainable (green) growth. Yet, few studies have empirically assessed the efficacy of green IT investments and initiatives, particularly in emerging economies such as India. This study examines the performance consequences of green IT investment and implementation in terms of energy conservation and profit impact. We analyze an archival dataset constructed from a survey of nearly 300 organizations in India, matched partially with objective data from a secondary source. We find that green IT investment is positively associated with a higher profit impact and that this association is partially mediated by a reduction in IT equipment energy consumption. In addition, we find that operationsoriented green IT implementation is
Hospital Leadership in Support of Digital Transformation
Mohan Tanniru, Jiban Khuntia, Jack Weiner
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems,Vol. 10, Issue 3, Pages: 1-24.
Evolving customer expectations and the rapid introduction of new information technologies are influencing business operations, and businesses need to transform themselves with new operating models to remain competitive. The traditional top-down administrative leadership approach is not sufficiently flexible to support the innovation needed to sustain customer engagement and retention. There is a need for both an enabling leadership that supports the exploration of innovative ideas quickly for viability and an adaptive leadership to transition the ideas that show promise into the current business model or a variation of this model to sustain growth. We define digital leadership as a strategic process that collectively uses these three leadership styles to create an ecosystem that advances a culture of innovation within organizations. This leadership process uses four foundational platforms to support business transformations:(1) An innovation platform to empower teams to explore ideas that create value using digital transformations;(2) An agile system and business platform to quickly design and deliver IT implementations;(3) A learning platform to support reflective discourse that leads to organizational capacity building; and (4) An adoption platform to decide when and what implementations get transitioned to the regular business for sustaining competitiveness. We will illustrate how digital leadership is used to transform the culture of a community hospital through several IS implementations recognized by external peers for their innovativeness
A Strategic Value Appropriation Path for Cloud Computing
A Kathuria, A Mann, J Khuntia, T Saldanha, R. Kauffman
Journal of Management Information Systems,Issue Forthcoming,
Cloud-based information management is one of the leading competitive differentiation strategies for firms. With the increasing criticality of information management in value creation and process support, establishing an integrated capability with cloud computing is vital for organizational success in the changing landscape of business competition. These issues have received scant attention, however. We draw on the resource-based view, dynamic capability hierarchy concepts, and the perspective of operand and operant resources to suggest a cloud value appropriation model for firms. We argue that, to appropriate business value from cloud computing, the firm needs to effectively deploy cloud computing and leverage cloud operant resources as firm capabilities in a hierarchical fashion toward the development of cloud computing-based service models in order to reliably achieve the desired business outcomes. We
Dimensions of Patient Experience and Overall Satisfaction in Emergency Departments
Mohan Tanniru, Jiban Khuntia
Journal of patient experience,Vol. 4, Issue 3, Pages: 95-100.
Objective:To determine the correlation between individual patient experience dimensions and overall patient satisfaction using text-based analysis of subjective comments of patients treated in emergency departments.Methods:Open-ended comments from 331 patients who visited the emergency departments of 4 hospitals were used for coding different dimensions of patient experience. Regression coefficients were calculated to assess the relationships between dimensions of patient experiences with overall satisfaction.Results:Positive and negative experience of nursing, communications, and infrastructure influence the overall satisfaction. Positive experience attributes of overall care quality influence overall satisfaction, whereas negative experience of the same does not have any influence. Further, experiences of interactions with doctors and scheduling do not have any effect on overall satisfaction in
Factors affecting the long-term survival of eBay ventures: a longitudinal study
Dawn Gregg and Madhavan Parthasarathy
Small Business Economics, Vol. 49, Issue 2, August 2017 pp. 405–419
With 40% of the world able to access the internet, online marketplaces provide the small entrepreneur with a hitherto incomprehensible opportunity to reach a global audience with very low barriers to entry and low risk. Yet, academic research has not studied the factors unique to online businesses that affect their long-term survival. This study is the first of its kind that does so using data gathered from eBay’s feedback system in 2004, 2009, and 2013. The results present data on the rate of discontinuance of eBay ventures. Further, a logistic regression analysis suggests that unique factors such as venture size, age, and feedback reputation positively influence the likelihood of long-term survival of an eBay venture. Based on these results and the ensuing discussion, implications for researchers and practitioners are provided.
Virtual team effectiveness: The role of knowledge sharing and trust
Mohamed Alsharo, Dawn Gregg and Ronald Ramirez
Information and Management, Vol. 54, Issue 4, August 2017, Pages. 479-490
Organizations utilize virtual teams to gather experts who collaborate online to accomplish organizational tasks. The virtual nature of these teams creates challenges to effective collaboration and team outcomes. This research addresses the social effects of knowledge sharing on virtual teams. We propose a conceptual model which hypothesizes a relationship between knowledge sharing, trust, collaboration, and team effectiveness in virtual team settings. The findings suggest that knowledge sharing positively influences trust and collaboration among virtual team members. The findings also suggest that while trust positively influences virtual team collaboration, it does not have a significant direct effect on team effectiveness.
The Impact of the Internet on Values in India: Shifts in Self-Enhancement and Self-Transcendence Amongst Indian Youth
Vicki R Lane, Jiban Khuntia, Madhavan Parthasarathy, Bidyut B Hazarika
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM),Vol. 25, Issue 3, Pages: 98-120.
In this study, the authors examine how the internet is changing two critical personal value dimensions of India’s youth. Based on values theory, and using data that spans a decade from 2004-2014, they contend that time spent on the internet is an influential factor in changing self-enhancement and self-transcendence values. Given the tremendous increase in exposure to western products, ideals, and people-to-people interaction via internet connectivity (India has over 275 million internet users who communicate in the …
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Determinants of service innovation in academic libraries through the lens of disruptive innovation
Shea-Tinn Yeh, Zhiping Walter
College & Research Libraries,Vol. 77, Issue 6,
With the development of digital technologies, various disruptive innovations have emerged that are gradually replacing academic libraries in the information-seeking process. As academic libraries become less relevant to their users, it is imperative that they develop strategies to respond to disruption. We highlight the fact that the service mission of academic libraries is in alignment with service innovation and propose that academic libraries respond to disruption by accelerating service innovation. Applying the Resources-Processes-Values framework, we recommend that, to facilitate service innovation, high-level administrators become innovation leaders, foster an innovation-supportive culture, tie performance evaluations and rewards to innovation outcomes, and create dedicated innovation teams with high levels of decision-making autonomy. We also recommend that academic libraries involve their users and build partnerships with other libraries and with commercial communities to bring about service innovation necessary to respond to disruption.
An Exploratory Study of Conflict over Paying Debian Developers
James H Gerlach, Chorng-Guang Wu, Lawrence F Cunningham, Clifford E Young
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP),Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pages: 20-38.
This article reports on an exploratory study of the causes and effects of conflict within the open source software project, Debian. Conflict arose when the project leader decided to introduce payment for select volunteers within an all-volunteer project to speed up the release of Debian. The study utilized the theoretical framework of Boltanski and Thvenot for understanding disputes. The results of the survey of Debian developers show that the conditions for conflict were complex and were driven by perception of misuse of …
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Corporate Entrepreneurship, Disruptive Business Model Innovation Adoption, and its Performance: The Case of the Newspaper Industry
Jahangir Karimi, Zhiping Walter
Long Range Planning, Volume 49, Issue 3, Pp. 342–360
Recently, Internet and digitization, along with major news and information companies, have disrupted traditional newspaper companies’ business models, and raised serious concerns about the future viability of the print newspaper industry. This study provides a theoretical viewpoint, supported by empirical evidence from the newspaper industry, on how prominent corporate entrepreneurship attributes impact disruptive business model innovation adoption, and how such adoption impacts business model performance. It finds that, while autonomy, risk-taking, and proactiveness do have positive associations with the extent of adoption of disruptive business model innovation, innovativeness does not. Further, disruptive business model innovation adoption has a nonlinear association with business model performance. We conclude the paper by discussing theoretical implications of the study and by providing strategies that entrepreneurs and technology managers can use to adjust their corporate entrepreneurship activities in their effort to successfully adopt disruptive business model innovation.
Sharing News Through Social Networks
Khuntia, J., Hang, S., Yim, D.
International Journal on Media Management, Volume 18, Issue 1
In contemporary media management, the sharing of news articles among readers’ family, friends, and social circle is vital to the media outlet’s reaching a wide audience and building engagement. As the use of social media is becoming more integrated into the core strategy of many businesses, the propensity to share news has become a key metric to measure and understand media impact. Although existing literature suggests that increasing the centrality of news sharing has become an important factor in audience engagement, empirical evidence of the influence of news sharing is sparse. The challenges in motivating news readers to share in the media environment call for research on the characteristics that predict the spreading of news. In this regard, we investigate how textual characteristics of news articles influence sharing activities. Using a publicly available secondary dataset of 39,797 records from Mashable, we build a decision tree and conducted regression analysis to identify the factors that are most influential in terms of sharing. We find that subjective writing style, polar sentiments expressed in the title of an article, and embedded content, such as external links and images, are positively associated with number of shares. In addition, we find that sharing of articles occurs more often through social media channels than through other special interest websites (e.g., entertainment, business) and more frequently on weekends. We provide managerial insights into the economics of the contemporary news business and guidelines to measure, monetize, and analyze audience engagement based on the sharing process.
Digital leadership in action in a hospital through a real time dashboard system implementation and experience
Jack Weiner, Mohan Tanniru, Jiban Khuntia, David Bobryk, Mehul Naik, Kenneth LePage
Journal of Hospital Administration, Volume 5, Issue 4, Pp. 34-43.
Background: Regulatory and competitive pressures and the need for cross-organizational data sharing are demanding that hospital leaders create a data-driven decision making culture to improve performance. Using an innovation assimilation strategy framework, this paper describes how a hospital used its implementation of a Real Time Dashboard System (rtDashboard) to improve performance, change its organizational culture and put it on a path towards digital leadership (DL).
Objective: Implement an rtDashboard system that can support a data-driven decision making culture for performance improvement while engaging business and information technology (IT) leaders in DL practice.
Results: The rtDashboard contributed significantly to monitoring hospital performance and influenced change in unit level decision making that was aligned with hospital goals. The rtDashboard implementation not only provided substantial performance improvement and quality benchmarking, but also changed the responsibility and accountability culture and helped the hospital put in practice DL principles to support future innovations.
Conclusions: DL through rtDashboard is a demonstration of how a hospital can seek and strive for excellence. As much as dashboards are pivotal to organizational performance monitoring at the senior leadership level, the process used to diffuse it to every operational unit in support of a data-driven decision making culture showcases how hospital executives and IT leaders can work together to continually align and re-align their strategies to reach organizational goals – the core of DL practice.