Category Archives: Management

The dimensionality and antecedents of emotional labor strategies.

Diefendorff, James M., Croyle, Meredith H., & Gosserand, Robin H.
Journal of Vocational Behavior Vol. 66, p. 339-357

This investigation had two purposes. The first was to determine whether the display of naturally-felt emotions is distinct from surface acting and deep acting as a method of displaying organizationally-desired emotions. The second purpose was to examine dispositional and situational antecedents of surface acting, deep acting, and the expression of naturally-felt emotions. Results supported a three-dimensional structure separating deep acting, surface acting, and the expression of naturally-felt emotions. In addition, the dispositional and situational variables exhibited theoretically-consistent and distinct patterns of relationships with the three emotional labor strategies. Overall, the results of this study expand the nomological network of surface acting and deep acting and suggest that the expression of naturally-felt emotions is a distinct strategy for displaying emotions at work and should be included in research on emotional labor.

Protecting Domain Name Assets

Bagby, John W. and Ruhnka, John C.
CPA Journal Vol. 74 Issue 4, p. 64-69

Focuses on the importance of monitoring and protecting Internet domain names. Functions of domain names in e-commerce; General approaches to Internet operations; Strategies for protecting domain name assets.

Measurement equivalence and multisource ratings for non-managerial positions: Recommendations for research and practice.

Diefendorff, James M., Silverman, Stanley B., & Greguras, Gary J.
Journal of Business and Psychology Vol. 19, p. 399-425.

The present investigation applies a comprehensive sequence of confirmatory factor analysis tests (Vandenberg & Lance, 2000) to the examination of the measurement equivalence of self, peer, and supervisor ratings of non-managerial targets across several performance dimensions. Results indicate a high degree of measurement equivalence across rater sources and performance dimensions. The paper illustrates how this procedure can identify very specific areas of nonequivalence and how the complexity of a multisource feedback system may be represented using such procedures. Implications of these results and recommendations for both research and practice are offered.

CEO succession planning: An emerging challenge for boards of directors

Biggs, Errol L.
Academy of Management Executive Vol. 18 Issue 1, p. 105-107

The article discusses the importance of chief executive officer (CEO) succession planning for corporate success. In a recent survey of public-corporation CEOs conducted by the National Association of Corporate Directors, CEO succession had risen to the second most important issue facing boards of directors. As in the past, one way to avoid the hassle of searching for a new CEO is to have the successor often be an internal candidate already identified and groomed to take over when the current CEO steps aside. The board’s role in succession planning comprises several tasks. Although the CEO is the central player in the process, the board should understand this is a joint duty and not one delegated solely to the CEO. Many organizations have found it is beneficial to go outside the organization to look for a new CEO. To minimize the disruption created when a CEO departs unexpectedly, an internal individual can be designated as the acting CEO. No two succession scenarios are identical and therefore a variety of possible conditions may confront the board as it faces the challenge. A primary internal candidate may thus need to be passed over as CEO-designate as part of a bargaining position or in deference to perceived equity with the other entity.